Mid-day meditation to release tension and invite calm and awareness.
Keep it very simple, and invite a visualization and internal body scan to start.
Allow a slow, deep, rich flow and rhythm of your breath cycles to begin anew.
Breathe with a 6 count inhalation, 6 count exhalation..
Focus on something simple, something relaxing..
Concentrate on breathing deeply in and out, coming back to the count and focus on full breath expansion if there is a distraction..
Only observing, watching your thoughts, only observing them without reacting to any..
Drawing awareness to any patterns, sensations, and reactivity..
Invite Peace into your whole body, breathing deeply in and out..
With every exhale, feel your body relax more and more..
With every inhale, feel your body strengthen and fill with energy..
With every exhale, release any clenching, by focusing on softening and relaxing the areas that hold stiffness and rigidity..
Become aware of your body, and draw some length into your spine, as you soften your shoulders, continue to breathe slowly, evenly, and deeply.
With every breath in invite your entire body to expand and fill, lengthen and align.
With every breath out invite your entire body to release tension, continually inviting peace and calm into your body.
Soften the engagement around your jaw, your eyebrows, your shoulders.
Breathe slowly in, pause, breathe slowly out.
Breathe deeply in, pause, breathe deeply out.
A tool for you to utilize, anytime, anywhere,
On your continual path to peace.
Thank you for connecting.
Until next time.